Friday, December 30, 2011

Trip to Cruz Alta

Hello family! It was wonderful to speak to you all on Christmas.
This week was a good week, but incredibly tiring.
Tuesday I got up at 4 something in the morning, and went to the bus station to go to Cruz Alta to go do a 2 day division there with the Elder Smart, one of the Zone leaders there, and then Elder Valdivia, the other one, came back here to stick with Elder Menk. The zone leaders in Cruz Alta are now in the 4th ward, when I was there, they were in the 1st ward, where I served, but then right when I left, they got switched to the other ward. It was pretty cool. Elder Smart is a good guy. We almost taught a lesson with Rafael who I baptized there, but he was travelling. He had given a reference to the Elders in the 4th ward that we were going to visit. But Patricia and the rest of the family were in town, and so we ended up eating lunch there on Wednesday because our lunch appointment fell through! That was pretty cool. It was cool to go back to Cruz Alta after having been gone from there for 7 months. It was really cool. But it ended, and then I had to wake up at 3am yesterday morning to get the bus to come back.
So yea. It was a tiring week. For that reason, and also that we spent a lot of time walking during the days. Wow, verying tiring. But it was good.
I hope you all have a good week!

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