Monday, March 12, 2012


This week we taught, a few times, a 15 year old kid named Alifer. He has
been going to church for a few months and is going to be baptized next
week! He has been doing really well and has progressed a lot. He is reading
2 chapters of the Book of Mormon per day, and is quite excited for his
baptism. His friend that introduced him to the church just became a
priest and so he will baptize him! Cool right!?

On Thursday we had Zone Conference. It was really good. We learned
about John the beloved, it was really cool.
During the conference, I thought about the endless hours I have spent
on my mission walking in the hot Brazilian sun, looking for people to
teach, all the tiredness, difficulties, and toils. As I look back,
truly it has been a price that was a pleasure to pay.

On Saturday we had an encounter that kind of evolved into a bible bash...
actually, he started asking some extremely irrelevant questions, and I
responded to them, but then it just got out of hand, and I stopped bothering.
We testified of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of the truthfulness of the
Book of Mormon. As I testified, I felt the power of my words.

I am currently in the middle of Mosiah reading the BOM in Spanish.
Also, in the Old Testament in English, I am in Ezekiel (someday I will
finish!) I have been reading a great deal of General Conference
discourses lately. That's something that really strenghthens your
testimony of living prophets and apostles.

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